“How ChatGPT and AIWiseMind Helped Achieve AI Website Rankings on Google” is a fascinating video by VIDSociety that highlights the successful use of ChatGPT and AIWiseMind in gaining top rankings on Google. In less than 48 hours, the AI-created website saw 20 posts indexed by Google, with one post even ranking at #3. AIWiseMind proves to be an invaluable tool for creating and automating website content, assisting users in effectively ranking their content on Google. The content creator shares their strategy of focusing on informational posts in the initial stages without monetization, building authority through the addition of 100 posts, and gradually expanding into other categories in the future. With AI technology generating articles and scheduling them for publishing, the content creator aims to add 1-2 posts per day to the website, with plans for ads and product reviews once the website gains more authority.

Using ChatGPT and AIWiseMind for AI Website Rankings on Google

Introduction to ChatGPT and AIWiseMind

ChatGPT and AIWiseMind are powerful tools that can assist web builders in achieving AI website rankings on Google. By utilizing AI technology, users can enhance their website’s content, automate content creation, and increase their chances of ranking highly on Google’s search results.

Benefits of Using ChatGPT and AIWiseMind

  1. Efficient Content Generation: ChatGPT and AIWiseMind streamline the process of content creation by generating high-quality articles, blog posts, and other written materials. This saves time and effort for web builders, allowing them to focus on other aspects of website development.
  2. Automation of Content Creation: With AIWiseMind, web builders can automate the generation and scheduling of content for their websites. This ensures a consistent flow of fresh and relevant content, which is crucial for maintaining website visibility and engagement.
  3. Enhanced Website Ranking on Google: By using AI technology, web builders can optimize their website’s content for search engine optimization (SEO). With AI algorithms, ChatGPT and AIWiseMind can identify keywords, create titles, and structure articles to improve website rankings on Google.

Creating an AI Website

When building an AI website, it is important to have a clear strategy in place. Begin by choosing a niche or topic for the website, such as grilling recipes. This allows for focused content creation and audience targeting.

Next, leverage the power of AI technology, such as ChatGPT and AIWiseMind, to generate content for the website. Use AI algorithms to generate article titles, create optimized content, and develop a content schedule. AI technology can assist in creating large volumes of content quickly and efficiently.

Achieving Google Indexing

Indexing is the process by which search engines, like Google, gather and organize webpages for search results. To achieve Google indexing, web builders can utilize the tools provided by ChatGPT and AIWiseMind.

With ChatGPT, web builders can create content that is optimized for search engines. By incorporating relevant keywords, following SEO best practices, and leveraging AI-generated content, webpages have a better chance of being indexed by Google.

Additionally, AIWiseMind can assist in the rapid indexing of website content. By automating the process of content creation and scheduling, web builders can ensure that their website’s content is frequently updated, increasing the likelihood of being indexed by Google.

Ranking Success with ChatGPT and AIWiseMind

With the combined power of ChatGPT and AIWiseMind, web builders can achieve top rankings on Google search results. By following strategic ranking strategies and leveraging AI technology, web builders can achieve success in website rankings.

Web builders should focus on strategies such as creating high-quality and informative content, building website authority through consistent content additions, and expanding website visibility through internal and external linking. By utilizing ChatGPT and AIWiseMind, web builders can streamline these processes and optimize their chances of ranking highly on Google.

Adding Authority to the Website

To establish website authority, web builders can plan and create informational posts related to their niche. By providing valuable and in-depth information, web builders can attract and engage their target audience.

It is recommended to focus on adding new posts to the website regularly, with a frequency of 1-2 posts per day. This consistent content creation signals to search engines like Google that the website is active and reliable, improving the chances of ranking success.

AI technology, such as ChatGPT and AIWiseMind, can be used to generate articles for the website. These tools can assist in developing well-structured and SEO-optimized content that aligns with the website’s niche and target audience.

Generating Featured Images

Images play a crucial role in website rankings on Google. AI technology can be leveraged to automatically generate featured images for website content.

With the help of AI algorithms, web builders can create visually appealing and relevant images that complement the written content. However, it’s important to note that the quality of generated images may vary, especially with the current version of AI technology.

Web builders should consider the importance of incorporating high-quality images in their website’s content strategy. Eye-catching and visually appealing images can attract users and contribute to improved website rankings on Google.

Navigating AI Detectors

While AI detectors can be helpful for identifying potential issues or inaccuracies in content, they may not always be reliable. Web builders are advised to use their own judgment and expertise when it comes to ranking strategies and content accuracy.

It is recommended to focus on producing high-quality and accurate content that aligns with the website’s niche and target audience. Human review and oversight can ensure the content’s accuracy and ensure that it meets the website’s standards.


The use of ChatGPT and AIWiseMind can greatly enhance web builders’ efforts to achieve AI website rankings on Google. By leveraging AI technology for efficient content generation, automation of content creation, and enhanced website ranking strategies, web builders can increase their chances of success.

The benefits of AI technology for web builders are numerous, from saving time and effort in content creation to establishing website authority and expanding visibility. With continuous growth and success through the use of AI technology, web builders can stay ahead in the competitive world of website rankings.