Hey there! In this video, I want to give you a review of the “Whats My Rank” WordPress plugin. If you’ve ever wanted an affordable way to track rankings with a WordPress plugin, this is the one you should check out. The plugin allows you to track your Google rankings within WordPress and offers some bonuses like access to a WP Affiliate Suite course and advanced SEO training if you decide to purchase it. Setting up the plugin requires a technical step involving a Cron job command in cPanel, but once it’s set up, you can easily add domains and keywords for tracking and receive notifications and daily email reports. It’s recommended to let the plugin run automatically to avoid server strain, but you can do manual updates too. Just make sure to watch the video for more details on how to set it up properly.

What is the ‘Whats My Rank’ Plugin?

The ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin is a powerful tool for tracking your website’s rankings on Google. It is specifically designed for WordPress and offers a more affordable alternative to other rank tracking tools.

Affordability and Features

Unlike other rank tracking tools that can cost you upwards of $30-$50 per month, the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin is available at a much more affordable price point. This makes it accessible to bloggers, small businesses, and website owners who want to keep track of their rankings without breaking the bank.

Despite its affordability, the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin does not compromise on features. It offers all the essential functionalities you need to effectively track your website’s rankings on Google, including keyword tracking, domain tracking, notifications, and email reports.

Bonuses for Purchasing

When you purchase the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin, you not only get access to a powerful rank tracking tool but also receive exclusive bonuses. These bonuses include instant access to the WP Affiliate Suite course, the OTO 1 upsell to the Affiliate Code strategy, and the OTO 2 upsell for advanced SEO training. These bonuses provide additional value and enhance your overall experience with the plugin.

Setting up the Plugin

Setting up the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin is a straightforward process, but it does require a technical step involving a Cron job command in cPanel.

Technical Step: Cron Job Command in cPanel

In order for the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin to constantly run and update the rankings on your WordPress website, you need to set up a Cron job command in cPanel. A Cron job is a time-based job scheduler that allows you to automate certain tasks on your server.

To set up the Cron job command, you will need to access your cPanel and find the Cron jobs section. From there, you can paste the provided Cron job command into the designated box and choose the frequency at which you want the plugin to run (e.g., once per hour).

By following these steps, you ensure that the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin consistently updates your rankings and provides you with accurate and timely data.

Tracking Google Rankings in WordPress

The primary function of the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin is to track your website’s rankings on Google. Once you have set up the plugin, you can start adding domains and keywords for tracking.

Adding Domains and Keywords

To add a domain, simply enter the domain name without any additional characters or slashes. The plugin allows you to monitor multiple domains, giving you a comprehensive view of your website’s performance across different URLs.

For keyword tracking, you can enter keywords directly into the plugin. You can add as many keywords as you want, and the plugin will continuously monitor their rankings on Google. This feature is especially useful for tracking the performance of specific keywords that are vital to your website’s SEO strategy.

Notifications and Daily Email Reports

The ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin offers additional features to enhance your tracking experience. You can enable notifications to receive alerts when your rankings reach the top 10 positions on Google. This enables you to stay informed about any significant changes in your website’s rankings.

Furthermore, the plugin provides daily email reports that summarize your rankings and highlight any noticeable improvements or declines. These reports are a convenient way to monitor your progress and make informed decisions regarding your SEO strategy.

Updating the Plugin

Keeping the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin up to date is crucial to ensure that you have access to the latest features and bug fixes.

Manual Updates vs Automatic Updates

The plugin offers two methods of updating: manual updates and automatic updates. While manual updates allow you to update the plugin at any time, it is recommended to let the plugin run automatically to avoid strain on your server.

When the plugin runs automatically, it checks and updates the rankings every hour. This ensures that your data remains accurate and up to date without overloading your server. By letting the plugin run in the background, you can focus on other aspects of your website and trust that your rankings are being continuously monitored.

Affiliate Disclosure and Bonus Access

The video review of the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin is brought to you by VIDSociety, and it includes affiliate links to purchase the plugin and access the exclusive bonuses.

Video brought to you by VIDSociety

VIDSociety has produced a comprehensive video review of the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin, showcasing its features and benefits. The friendly and informative tone of the video provides valuable insights into the plugin’s functionality and demonstrates its ease of use.

Links to Purchase Plugin and Access Bonuses

To purchase the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin and gain access to the exclusive bonuses, you can find the links below the video. These links direct you to the website where you can learn more about the plugin and take advantage of the discounted price during the launch period.

By purchasing the plugin through these links, you not only support VIDSociety but also gain access to additional resources that can further enhance your SEO and affiliate marketing efforts.


The ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin offers an affordable and feature-rich solution for tracking your website’s rankings on Google. With its user-friendly interface and powerful functionalities, it is a valuable asset for bloggers, small businesses, and website owners.

Setting up the plugin involves a simple technical step that ensures continuous updates and accurate rankings. By adding domains and keywords, you can monitor the performance of your website’s SEO strategy with ease.

The ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin provides notifications and daily email reports, keeping you informed about any significant changes in your rankings. Additionally, the option for automatic updates ensures that your data remains up to date without straining your server.

By purchasing the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin through the provided links, you not only support VIDSociety but also gain access to exclusive bonuses that can boost your affiliate marketing and SEO efforts.

Don’t miss out on this affordable and powerful rank tracking tool! Take control of your website’s rankings with the ‘Whats My Rank’ plugin today.