In this engaging video tutorial, provided by VIDSociety, you will learn how to set up an automated AI affiliate website on WordPress. Part 2 of the series focuses on using AIWiseMind to build these websites and covers the basic steps of setting up a WordPress site, including installation and configuration. The video showcases the AI WordPress plugin, which allows for user interaction, data collection, and result production, making it easier to create a simple AI website. Throughout the tutorial, the author emphasizes the importance of updating permalink settings, removing unnecessary plugins, creating essential pages like Contact, About Us, Privacy Policy, and Disclosure, and connecting the WordPress website to AI Wise Mind for further customization and functionality. The author also explains how to install a recommended WordPress theme called Caton, and provides guidance on customizing the site’s layout, design, header and logo options, menu creation, category selection, and even adding a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section. The video highlights the benefits of using artificial intelligence (AI) to automate content creation and optimize it for search engine optimization (SEO), while also encouraging the audience to subscribe to the author’s channel for more updates on the progress and results of the website.

Setting up a WordPress site

Setting up a WordPress site is the first step in building an automated AI affiliate website. In this section, we will go over the process of installing and configuring WordPress, updating permalink settings, and removing default plugins.

Installing WordPress

To install WordPress, you need a web hosting provider that offers WordPress as a content management system. Once you have chosen a hosting provider, you can follow their instructions to install WordPress on your website. This typically involves creating a database, downloading the WordPress files, and running the installation script.

Configuring WordPress

After installing WordPress, you need to configure it to suit your needs. This includes setting up your site’s title, tagline, and timezone. You can access these settings by navigating to the WordPress dashboard and clicking on “Settings” in the left-hand menu. Take some time to explore the different configuration options and customize your site according to your preferences.

Updating Permalink settings

Permalink settings control the structure of your website’s URLs. By default, WordPress uses a numeric structure for its permalinks, which is not ideal for search engine optimization (SEO) or user experience. To update your permalink settings, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on “Settings”> “Permalinks”. From there, choose the “Post name” option to make your URLs more user-friendly and SEO-friendly.

Removing default plugins

When you install WordPress, your web hosting provider may include pre-installed plugins. These default plugins can clutter your site and may not be necessary for your specific needs. To remove default plugins, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on “Plugins” in the left-hand menu. From there, you can deactivate and delete any plugins that you do not need, keeping your site clean and streamlined.

Creating essential pages

To create a comprehensive AI affiliate website, you need to include essential pages like a Contact page, About Us page, Privacy Policy page, and Disclosure page. These pages provide important information to your visitors and establish credibility for your website.

Creating Contact page

The Contact page allows visitors to reach out to you with any inquiries or feedback. To create a Contact page, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on “Pages”> “Add New”. Give your page a title, such as “Contact” and add the necessary contact information, including an email address or contact form. Consider using a contact form plugin for added functionality and ease of use.

Creating About Us page

The About Us page gives visitors insight into your website’s purpose, mission, and the people behind it. To create an About Us page, follow the same process as creating a Contact page. Write a compelling description of your website, your expertise, and your goals. You can also include images or videos to make the page more engaging.

Creating Privacy Policy page

A Privacy Policy page is essential for any website that collects personal information from visitors. It outlines how you collect, use, and protect user data and assures visitors that their privacy is respected. To create a Privacy Policy page, you can use an online privacy policy generator or consult legal resources to ensure you cover all necessary points.

Creating Disclosure page

The Disclosure page is crucial for transparently disclosing any relationships or affiliations you have with products or services mentioned on your website. It is essential to comply with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and maintain trust with your audience. Be clear and concise about the disclosure of affiliate links, sponsored content, or any potential conflicts of interest.

Connecting WordPress to AI Wise Mind

AI Wise Mind is an AI-powered plugin that enhances the functionality of your WordPress site. To connect WordPress to AI Wise Mind, you need to generate an application password and provide a site description.

Generating an application password

To generate an application password, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on “Users”> “Your Profile”. Scroll down to “Application Passwords” and give it a name related to AI Wise Mind. Click on “Add New Application Password” to generate a unique password.

Connecting WordPress with AI Wise Mind

Once you have generated an application password, go to AI Wise Mind and click on “Connect Sites”. Fill in the required details, including your site’s name, full URL, username, and the application password. Click on “Connect WordPress Site” to establish the connection.

Providing site description for AI Wise Mind

After connecting WordPress to AI Wise Mind, you need to provide a site description. This description helps AI Wise Mind create unique pages tailored to your website. Write a concise and engaging description that accurately reflects the purpose and content of your website. AI Wise Mind will utilize this description to generate pages and content for you.

Setting up default content and plugins

To save time and streamline the initial setup of your AI affiliate website, you can utilize AI Wise Mind to create default posts, pages, and install default plugins.

Creating default posts and pages

AI Wise Mind has a site wizard feature that allows you to create default posts and pages easily. These default posts and pages serve as a starting point for your website, providing content ideas and structure. AI Wise Mind uses AI technology to generate unique and engaging content that aligns with your website’s niche.

Installing default plugins

AI Wise Mind also has the capability to install default plugins for your website. These plugins enhance the functionality and performance of your site. These default plugins are often recommended by AI Wise Mind based on industry best practices and can include SEO plugins, security plugins, caching plugins, and more.

Setting up default categories

Categories help organize and classify your website’s content. AI Wise Mind can set up default categories for your website based on your niche and content focus. These categories make it easier for visitors to navigate your site and find relevant content. You can always add or modify categories as your website grows and evolves.

Installing and customizing the Caton theme

The choice of a theme greatly impacts the visual aesthetics and functionality of your website. In this section, we will cover the installation and customization process of the Caton theme, recommended for AI affiliate websites.

Uploading and activating the Caton theme

To install the Caton theme, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on “Appearance”> “Themes”> “Add New”. Search for the Caton theme, install it, and activate it. Once activated, your website will have a fresh new look based on the Caton theme.

Installing required plugins for the theme

The Caton theme may require specific plugins to fully utilize its features and customization options. After activating the Caton theme, you may receive prompts to install and activate required plugins. Follow the instructions to install and activate these plugins to unlock the complete functionality of the Caton theme.

Accessing customization options in WordPress Customizer

To customize the look and feel of your website using the Caton theme, you can navigate to the WordPress Customizer. The Customizer allows you to modify various aspects of your site, including colors, fonts, layout, and more. Experiment with different options and preview your changes in real-time to achieve the desired look and style for your AI affiliate website.

Customizing the website’s layout and design

The layout and design of your website play a significant role in attracting and engaging visitors. In this section, we will explore various customization options for site identity, header and logo, menus, and selecting categories for your website.

Customizing site identity

Your site identity includes elements like your site title, logo, and tagline. To customize your site identity, go to the WordPress Customizer and click on “Site Identity”. From there, you can upload a logo, change the site title and tagline, and set a site icon that appears in browser tabs.

Modifying header and logo options

The header of your website is the first thing visitors see and can greatly impact their first impression. In the WordPress Customizer, you can modify header and logo options specific to the Caton theme. This includes changing the header layout, header image, logo placement, and more. Experiment with different options to create a visually appealing and user-friendly header design.

Creating and managing menus

Menus help visitors navigate your website and find the information they need. In the WordPress Customizer, you can create and manage menus for your site. You can create different menus for different sections of your site, add pages, categories, and custom links to your menus, and rearrange them as needed. Ensure your menus are intuitive and organized to enhance the user experience.

Selecting categories for the website

Categories play an important role in content organization and navigation. In the WordPress dashboard, you can create and manage categories for your website. Select categories that align with your niche and content focus. When creating new posts or pages, assign them to relevant categories to make it easier for visitors to find related content.

Adding a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section

A frequently asked questions (FAQ) section is a valuable addition to any website, as it helps address common queries and provide clarity to visitors. In this section, we will cover the process of creating a new page for the FAQ section, adding FAQ content, and styling the section for optimal readability.

Creating a new page for FAQ

To create a new page for your FAQ section, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on “Pages”> “Add New”. Give your page a title, such as “FAQ” or “Frequently Asked Questions”. This will serve as the main page for your FAQ section.

Adding FAQ content to the page

To add FAQ content to the page, you can use the Gutenberg editor or a page builder plugin to create an organized and visually appealing layout. Write down commonly asked questions and provide clear and concise answers. Consider categorizing your FAQs to make navigation easier for visitors.

Styling and formatting the FAQ section

To style and format the FAQ section, you can utilize the formatting options available in the WordPress editor or use additional plugins or CSS coding for advanced customization. Use headings, bullet points, and proper formatting to improve readability. You can also add styling elements like accordions or toggle buttons to enhance the interactivity and user experience of the FAQ section.

Automating content creation with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionize the process of content creation, making it more efficient and effective. In this section, we will explore how to utilize AI for automated content creation, optimizing content for SEO with AI, and exploring AI-powered content tools.

Using AI for automated content creation

AI tools like AI Wise Mind can generate unique and engaging content for your website. These tools utilize advanced algorithms to analyze data, identify patterns, and produce high-quality content that aligns with your website’s niche. By leveraging AI for automated content creation, you can save time and ensure a steady flow of content for your AI affiliate website.

Optimizing content for SEO with AI

AI can also play a vital role in optimizing your content for search engine optimization (SEO). AI tools can provide valuable insights and recommendations on keyword usage, content structure, meta tags, and more. By implementing AI-powered SEO techniques, you can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

Exploring AI-powered content tools

In addition to AI Wise Mind, there are various AI-powered content tools available that can enhance the content creation process. These tools can assist with keyword research, content planning, content generation, grammar and spelling checks, and more. Explore different AI-powered content tools to find the ones that best align with your needs and goals.

Benefits of an automated AI affiliate website

Building an automated AI affiliate website comes with several benefits. In this section, we will highlight some of these benefits, including increased efficiency and productivity, higher search engine rankings, targeted content and audience, and the potential for passive income.

Increased efficiency and productivity

By automating various aspects of your website, such as content creation and plugin installations, you can save time and increase efficiency. AI tools can handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your website, such as strategy, marketing, and monetization.

Higher search engine rankings

Utilizing AI for SEO optimization can improve your website’s visibility in search engine rankings. AI tools can analyze keyword trends, suggest optimized content, and provide valuable insights for on-page and off-page SEO. Higher search engine rankings translate to increased organic traffic and potential conversions for your AI affiliate website.

Targeted content and audience

AI-powered tools can analyze user data and provide valuable insights into your target audience. By understanding your audience’s preferences, interests, and behavior, you can create targeted content that resonates with them. This leads to higher engagement, better user experience, and increased conversion rates.

Potential for passive income

An AI affiliate website has the potential to generate passive income through affiliate marketing. By promoting relevant products or services and earning a commission for each referral or sale, you can create a sustainable source of income. With AI automation, you can scale your affiliate marketing efforts and maximize your earning potential.


Building an automated AI affiliate website on WordPress can be a game-changer for your online business. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up a WordPress site, connect it to AI Wise Mind, customize the design and layout, automate content creation, and reap the benefits of an AI-driven website. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to stay updated on the progress and results of this website. With the power of AI, the possibilities are endless. Happy website building!